Chapter 4: Surrendering to the Flow

Here is a recorded version of the full guided meditation for the vision exercise.

Before you Start

  • Please find a quiet room where you won’t be disturbed for at least 30 minutes.

  • Have a notebook and something to write with ready next to you.

  • Find a comfortable seat, either in a chair or on the floor, and please make sure you can place both feet firmly on the ground. 

  • Before you press play, take some deep and calming breaths, to fully arrive in this moment. Once you’re ready, go ahead and listen to the meditation. 

Afterwards give yourself some time to reflect on this vision exercise, to write or draw about your experience, thoughts and ideas. Feel free to share with us at 

With many thanks to Paul van ‘t Veld for sharing this with us, and Renée Narinx for the voiceover and production.